среда, 26 июня 2024 г.

Smart contract (erc721)

 Smart contract (erc721) creation by Jaromil in natural language

Jaromil proposed an intermediate language of Artificial Intelligence in the form of the phrase DECODE. This language is similar to Prolog or Lojban. At the same time, the entire machine part is implemented in Lua. I believe that we can take all of his developments and raise them one step higher (like Refal) in abstraction in the form of Drakon Graphic Schemes, with the mandatory condition of automatic compilation into Lua unchanged. This will give us the opportunity to issue code in other scripting languages ​​like Python or Java Script and also C and Java.

Easy Ethereum transactions with Zenroom



понедельник, 20 мая 2024 г.

Suggest making our own IDE based on DRAKON (With FSM) editor

 Proof of human language. There are ancient languages with complex syntax and very specific vocabulary. A complete tree of modifiers can be built by generative intelligence, which will serve as zero-knowledge proof. A non-native speaker or a person with mental disabilities will not be able to pass the proof. This is especially convenient to do in Hyperchains.



Telegram SmartContract FreeTON 

Proxy Smart Contract 

Radare2  - Positive Technologies ( web3@ptsecurity.com ) there are examples  of using Radare for disassembling and debugging contracts.

Static analysis tool Slither

Ida-evm  A processor module for IDA Pro that allows it to disassemble contracts. Reverse engineering is legal in many countries, but many people keep these tools (IDA Pro) on computers without an Internet connection.

Formal verification tools

TIP — Trustless Improvement Proposal (TIPs) describe standards for the Everscale blockchain.

Storj.io is a distributed decentralized open-source platform for cloud data storage, the operation of which is based on the use of the Bitcoin transaction register (blockchain) and its own peer-to-peer protocols. The platform also performs the functions of a payment system, using its own cryptocurrency - StorjcoinX (SJCX), working on the protocol Counterparty.

Which is better, ERC 721 or ERC 1155?

Standard? tools

sudo snap install solc

npm uninstall web3

npm install web3@0.20.1 --save

sudo npm install -g truffle


pip install eth-brownie

sudo npm install -g ganache-cli

pip3 install certora-cli


npm install -E zeppelin-solidity

python3 -m pip install slither-analyzer

Hardhat  is also a framework, but the code is written in JavaScript.

$ cd ~/sol01/

$ mkdir solext

$ cd solext

$ npm init -yes

$ npm install --save-dev hardhat

$ npx hardhat

$ npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle 'ethereum-waffle@^3.0.0' @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers 'ethers@^5.0.0'

$ npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-truffle5 @nomiclabs/hardhat-web3 web3

$ npm install hardhat-gas-reporter

$ npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-web3 web3

$ npm install --save-dev hardhat-storage-layout

Brownie is a framework for deploying smart contracts, with code written in Python.

Vyper - as well as Solidity, a language for writing smart contracts for EVM networks. This language is very similar to Python, which is why it is also called Pythonistic.


and Web3.js https://github.com/web3j/web3j

Codebase for our MVP (PoC)

We can take standard implementations ERC-1155. This standard was created for games and allows you to exchange collections of tokens, all three types (unique, semi-unique, irreplaceable)

Solidity standard EIP-2535 “Diamond”: explanation and video example

Diamond-1-Hardhat Implementation

ERC-1155: Semi Fungible Token Standard implementation

ERC-1155 Reference Implementation


ERC: Multi Token Standard #1155

In our opinion, quality control primarily depends on good specialists.












OpenCPN & VmWare

 OpenCPN (wxWindow) for native Android and Linux native code (NDC) on ARM devices (post 6502 devices), including Samsung mobile phones.

VmWare and Rpi 4.0

ZNC Bouncer



ZNC Bouncer fits perfectly as part of this standard eip-4337. The first blockchain systems worked on top of the IRC protocol. Taking into account Satoshi's other project, Netsukuku, the prototype of the future protocol of the system is quite clear. IMHO To put it bluntly, the days of the DNS are numbered. Because Fractal Hyper Blockchain is Netsukuku. I say this with confidence because I personally know the developers.

The developers of Litecoin (the second version, not to be confused with the Bitcoin fork of the first version of Jaromil), as far as I know, work in an English-Spanish startup Kantox in Barcelona. All Ruby in blockchain, that's their job.