понедельник, 20 мая 2024 г.

Federated Node Provisioning


Federated Node Provisioning


Here are the recommendations and/or requirements when setting up a production-grade Counterblock Federated Node:

Server Hardware/Network Recommendations:

  • Xeon E3+ or similar-class processor

  • 16GB+ RAM (ECC)

  • Disk drives in RAID-1 (mirrored) configuration (SSD prefered)

  • Hosted in a secure data center with physical security and access controls

  • DDOS protection recommended if you will be offering your service to others

** Disk Space Requirements ** The exact disk space required will be dependent on what services are run on the node:

* Base System: **20GB** (to be safe)

* ``counterpartyd``, ``counterblockd`` databases: **~200MB**

* ``insight``: **~30GB** (mainnet), **~3GB** (testnet)

* ``armory_utxsvr``: **~25GB** (mainnet), **~3GB** (testnet)

Generally, we recommend building on a server with at least 120GB of available disk space.

User Configuration

Note that when you set up a federated node, the script creates two new users on the system: xcp and xcpd. (The xcp user also has an xcp group created for it as well.)

The script installs counterpartyd, counterwallet, etc into the home directory of the xcp user. This user also owns all installed files. However, the daemons (i.e. bitcoind, insight, counterpartyd, counterblockd, and nginx) are actually run as the xcpd user, which has no write access to the files such as the counterwallet and counterpartyd source code files. The reason things are set up like this is so that even if there is a horrible bug in one of the products that allows for a RCE (or Remote Control Exploit), where the attacker would essentially be able to gain the ability to execute commands on the system as that user, two things should prevent this:

  • The xcpd user doesn't actually have write access to any sensitive files on the server (beyond the log and database files for bitcoind, counterpartyd, etc.)

  • The xcpd user uses /bin/false as its shell, which prevents the attacker from gaining shell-level access

This setup is such to minimize (and hopefully eliminate) the impact from any kind of potential system-level exploit.

sudo python3 setup_federated_node.py

We skip installing the NodeJS version, since the repository is outdated.

From this link we take the old Bitcoin daemon.


The 0.9.0 release of Bitcoin Core added a new standard transaction type granting access to a previously disallowed script function, OP_RETURN. This function accepts a user-defined sequence of up to 40 bytes. When a transaction containing a challenge script with an OP_RETURN function is mined into a block, the accompanying byte sequence enters the block chain.

Changes in Counterpartyd_build setup_federated_node.py

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb*.list

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv EA312927

echo "deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list

 sudo apt-get update

>>Reading package lists... Done

>>W: GPG error: http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 >>Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key >>is not available: NO_PUBKEY D68FA50FEA312927

>>E: The repository 'http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 >>Release' is not signed.

>>N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore >>disabled by default.

>>N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration >>details.

apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv D68FA50FEA312927

>>gpg: key D68FA50FEA312927: public key "MongoDB 3.2 Release Signing Key >><packaging@mongodb.com>" imported

>>gpg: Total number processed: 1

>>gpg:               imported: 1

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt install mongodb-org

cd ¬/counterpartyd_build

sudo python3 setup.py --with-counterblockd

Commits on Mar 6, 2024 mongodb v 3.2.22


Error during the package build process Сounterblockd

Running setup.py install for gevent ... error

2024-03-06 14:09:48,939|ERROR: Command failed: '/home/user/counterpartyd_build/env.counterblockd/bin/pip install -r /home/user/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterblockd/pip-requirements.txt'

including stdio.h and sys/types.h.


/* CARES_PULL_SYS_TYPES_H is defined above when inclusion of header file  */

/* sys/types.h is required here to properly make type definitions below.  */


#  include <sys/types.h>


The problem was solved by moving to the next version 1.2.0. It's all about this piece of code. This piece of code is compiled by Cython. The scripting language is translated into C and then assembled. This was how performance was achieved before Rust was invented.


Some issue with old python pytest related packages:

ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.

pytest-cov 2.11.1 requires pytest>=4.6, but you have pytest 2.5.1 which is incompatible.

tweepy 3.10.0 requires requests[socks]>=2.11.1, but you have requests 2.3.0 which is incompatible.

passnfly 0.1.1 requires Flask~=1.1.2, but you have flask 0.10.1 which is incompatible.

Change version and server of NodeJS


  1. Commit nodejs https://github.com/Ignat99/counterpartyd_build/commit/acf5bba9de9b21f993600b558d9fca42ca33c9cd

  1. Change version insight-api 0.3.1 and NodeJS to 13.14.0 (Possible up to 18.x with old bitcoin backend) https://github.com/Ignat99/counterpartyd_build/commit/f2ebb7504ab72b718606c70f92b2895c851c33b4

Nginx issue

An outdated web server is used here. The main disadvantage of all these solutions is the old SSL. There was vulnerability in him. But you can turn this disadvantage into an advantage by replacing the block stream cipher in closed networks with your own. In any case, you will need to do a survey of ALL free and open source packages.

E: Unable to locate package nginx-openresty

2024-03-08 11:26:01,798|ERROR: Command failed: 'apt-get -y remove nginx-openresty'




OpenResty® is a full-fledged web platform that integrates our enhanced version of the Nginx core, our enhanced version of LuaJIT, many carefully written Lua libraries, lots of high quality 3rd-party Nginx modules, and most of their external dependencies. It is designed to help developers easily build scalable web applications, web services, and dynamic web gateways.

wget http://openresty.org/download/ngx_openresty-

tar -zxvf ngx_openresty-

cd ngx_openresty-


W: GPG error: https://apt.newrelic.com/debian newrelic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY B31B29E5548C16BF

E: The repository 'http://apt.newrelic.com/debian newrelic Release' is not signed.

This company even offered me a job after a seminar in Barcelona. The licenses and their agent versions are already outdated. Now all the functions of their product such as Server Dashboard can be assembled quite quickly from free and open source software.

Error of JSON with version Blockchain

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 327, in send


  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 520, in urlopen

    raise SSLError(e)

requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:



Problem connect to bitcoind

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/counterpartyd.py", line 1132, in <module>


  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/lib/blocks.py", line 1292, in follow

    block_count = bitcoin.get_block_count()

  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/lib/bitcoin.py", line 77, in get_block_count

    return int(rpc('getblockcount', []))

  File "/home/xcp/counterpartyd_build/dist/counterpartyd/lib/bitcoin.py", line 165, in rpc

    raise exceptions.BitcoindRPCError('Cannot communicate with {} Core. ({} is set to run on {}, is {} Core?)'.format(config.BTC_NAME, config.XCP_CLIENT, network, config.BTC_NAME))

lib.exceptions.BitcoindRPCError: Cannot communicate with Bitcoin Core. (counterpartyd is set to run on mainnet, is Bitcoin Core?)

Listen http server RPC problem


Fix: add tx_info in txlist_hash, merge new_consensus_checks, fix config and previous merge, continue instead exception

Counterpartyd interfaces

user@ign:~/counterpartyd_build$ sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'counterpartyd --data-dir=/home/xcp/.config/counterpartyd-testnet --testnet' xcpd

Status: Connecting to database.

Status: Running v9.45.0 of counterpartyd.

usage: counterpartyd [-h] [-V] [-v] [--testnet] [--testcoin]

                     [--carefulness CAREFULNESS] [--unconfirmed]

                     [--encoding ENCODING] [--fee-per-kb FEE_PER_KB]

                     [--regular-dust-size REGULAR_DUST_SIZE]

                     [--multisig-dust-size MULTISIG_DUST_SIZE]

                     [--op-return-value OP_RETURN_VALUE] [--unsigned]

                     [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--database-file DATABASE_FILE]

                     [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--log-file LOG_FILE]

                     [--backend-rpc-connect BACKEND_RPC_CONNECT]

                     [--backend-rpc-port BACKEND_RPC_PORT]

                     [--backend-rpc-user BACKEND_RPC_USER]

                     [--backend-rpc-password BACKEND_RPC_PASSWORD]

                     [--backend-rpc-ssl] [--backend-rpc-ssl-verify]

                     [--blockchain-service-name BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_NAME]

                     [--blockchain-service-connect BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_CONNECT]

                     [--rpc-host RPC_HOST] [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]

                     [--rpc-user RPC_USER] [--rpc-password RPC_PASSWORD]




the reference implementation of the Counterparty protocol

positional arguments:


                        the action to be taken

    server              run the server

    send                create and broadcast a *send* message

    order               create and broadcast an *order* message

    btcpay              create and broadcast a *BTCpay* message, to settle an

                        Order Match for which you owe BTC

    issuance            issue a new asset, issue more of an existing asset or

                        transfer the ownership of an asset

    broadcast           broadcast textual and numerical information to the


    bet                 offer to make a bet on the value of a feed

    dividend            pay dividends to the holders of an asset (in

                        proportion to their stake in it)

    burn                destroy {} to earn XCP, during an initial period of


    cancel              cancel an open order or bet you created

    callback            callback a fraction of an asset

    rps                 open a rock-paper-scissors like game

    rpsresolve          resolve a rock-paper-scissors like game

    publish             publish arbitrary data in the blockchain

    balances            display the balances of a Counterparty address

    asset               display the basic properties of a Counterparty asset

    wallet              list the addresses in your backend wallet along with

                        their balances in all Counterparty assets

    pending             list pending order matches awaiting BTCpayment from


    reparse             reparse all transactions in the database

    rollback            rollback database

    market              fill the screen with an always up-to-date summary of

                        the Counterparty market

optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

  -v, --verbose         sets log level to DEBUG instead of WARNING

  --testnet             use Bitcoin testnet addresses and block numbers

  --testcoin            use the test Counterparty network on every blockchain

  --carefulness CAREFULNESS

                        check conservation of assets after every CAREFULNESS

                        transactions (potentially slow)

  --unconfirmed         allow the spending of unconfirmed transaction outputs

  --encoding ENCODING   data encoding method

  --fee-per-kb FEE_PER_KB

                        fee per kilobyte, in BTC

  --regular-dust-size REGULAR_DUST_SIZE

                        value for dust Pay‐to‐Pubkey‐Hash outputs, in BTC

  --multisig-dust-size MULTISIG_DUST_SIZE

                        for dust OP_CHECKMULTISIG outputs, in BTC

  --op-return-value OP_RETURN_VALUE

                        value for OP_RETURN outputs, in BTC

  --unsigned            print out unsigned hex of transaction; do not sign or


  --data-dir DATA_DIR   the directory in which to keep the database, config

                        file and log file, by default

  --database-file DATABASE_FILE

                        the location of the SQLite3 database

  --config-file CONFIG_FILE

                        the location of the configuration file

  --log-file LOG_FILE   the location of the log file

  --backend-rpc-connect BACKEND_RPC_CONNECT

                        the hostname or IP of the backend bitcoind JSON-RPC


  --backend-rpc-port BACKEND_RPC_PORT

                        the backend JSON-RPC port to connect to

  --backend-rpc-user BACKEND_RPC_USER

                        the username used to communicate with backend over


  --backend-rpc-password BACKEND_RPC_PASSWORD

                        the password used to communicate with backend over


  --backend-rpc-ssl     use SSL to connect to backend (default: false)


                        verify SSL certificate of backend; disallow use of

                        self‐signed certificates (default: false)

  --blockchain-service-name BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_NAME

                        the blockchain service name to connect to

  --blockchain-service-connect BLOCKCHAIN_SERVICE_CONNECT

                        the blockchain service server URL base to connect to,

                        if not default

  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   the IP of the interface to bind to for providing JSON-

                        RPC API access ( for all interfaces)

  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   port on which to provide the counterpartyd JSON-RPC


  --rpc-user RPC_USER   required username to use the counterpartyd JSON-RPC

                        API (via HTTP basic auth)

  --rpc-password RPC_PASSWORD

                        required password (for rpc-user) to use the

                        counterpartyd JSON-RPC API (via HTTP basic auth)

  --rpc-allow-cors      Allow ajax cross domain request

The configuration we are checking:

sudo python3 setup_federated_node.py

2024-03-06 16:35:12,944|DEBUG: answered_questions: {'op': 'r', 'role': 'counterpartyd_only', 'branch': 'feature', 'run_mode': 't', 'backend_rpc_mode': 'b', 'blockchain_service': 'i', 'counterpartyd_public': 'y', 'counterwallet_support_email': None, 'security_hardening': 'n', 'autostart_services': 'y'}

Successfully launched service

2024-03-08 12:24:24,753|INFO: Counterblock Federated Node Build Complete (whew).

2024-03-08 12:24:24,754|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: rm -f /etc/service/bitcoind-testnet/down

2024-03-08 12:24:24,759|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: rm -f /etc/service/insight-testnet/down

2024-03-08 12:24:24,763|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: rm -f /etc/service/counterpartyd-testnet/down

2024-03-08 12:24:24,767|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: rm -f /etc/service/counterblockd/down

2024-03-08 12:24:24,770|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: rm -f /etc/service/counterblockd-testnet/down

Starting the system

Start the bitcoind

sudo sv start bitcoind

sudo sv start bitcoind-testnet

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.bitcoin/debug.log

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.bitcoin-testnet/testnet3/debug.log

sudo sv start insight

sudo sv start insight-testnet

sudo tail -f ~xcp/insight-api/log/current

sudo tail -f ~xcp/insight-api/log-testnet/current

Then, watching these logs, wait for the insight sync (as well as the bitcoind sync and counterpartyd syncs) to finish, which should take between 7 and 12 hours. After this is all done, reboot the box for the new services to start (which includes both counterpartyd and counterblockd).

counterblockd, after starting up must then sync to counterpartyd. It will do this automatically, and the process will take between 20 minutes to 1 hour most likely. You can check on the status of counterblockd's sync using:

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.config/counterblockd/counterblockd.log

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.config/counterblockd-testnet/counterblockd.log

Also, you can start up the daemons in the foreground, for easier debugging, using the following sets of commands:


sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'bitcoind -datadir=/home/xcp/.bitcoin' xcpd

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'bitcoind -datadir=/home/xcp/.bitcoin-testnet' xcpd

#counterpartyd & counterblockd mainnet

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'counterpartyd --data-dir=/home/xcp/.config/counterpartyd' xcpd

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'counterblockd --data-dir=/home/xcp/.config/counterblockd -v' xcpd

#counterpartyd & counterblockd testnet

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'counterpartyd --data-dir=/home/xcp/.config/counterpartyd-testnet --testnet' xcpd

sudo su -s /bin/bash -c 'counterblockd --data-dir=/home/xcp/.config/counterblockd-testnet --testnet -v' xcpd

Start the Counterpartyd

sudo sv start counterpartyd

sudo sv start counterpartyd-testnet

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.config/counterpartyd/counterpartyd.log

sudo tail -f ~xcp/.config/counterpartyd-testnet/counterpartyd.testnet.log

Counterparty testnet  faucet

Start wallet.

Bitcoin testnet3 faucet

Compatibility with Ethereum's Smart Contracts



This module tests for compability with Ethereum's Smart Contracts.





This is an example of a smart contract and a link to the first mention and version number counterpartyd.

rename contracts_test, only new OP_RETURN data are obfuscated, fixes + update testnet checkpoints

Transaction Encodings

In the general Bitcoin protocol, the parameter OP_RETURN was only 40 bytes long.

By default the default value of the encoding parameter detailed above is auto, which means that counterparty-server automatically determines the best way to encode the Counterparty protol data into a new tranaction. If you know what you are doing and would like to explicitly specify an encoding:

  • To return the transaction as an OP_RETURN transaction, specify opreturn for the encoding parameter.

  • OP_RETURN transactions cannot have more than 80 bytes of data. If you force OP_RETURN encoding and your transaction would have more than this amount, an exception will be generated.

  • To return the transaction as a multisig transaction, specify multisig for the encoding parameter.

    • pubkey should be set to the hex-encoded public key of the source address.

    • Note that with the newest versions of Bitcoin (0.12.1 onward), bare multisig encoding does not reliably propagate. More information on this is documented here.

  • To return the transaction as a pubkeyhash transaction, specify pubkeyhash for the encoding parameter.

    • pubkey should be set to the hex-encoded public key of the source address.

Advanced create_ parameters










Each create_ call detailed below can take the following common keyword parameters:

  • encoding (string): The encoding method to use, see transaction encodings for more info.

  • pubkey (string/list): The hexadecimal public key of the source address (or a list of the keys, if multi‐sig). Required when using encoding parameter values of multisig or pubkeyhash. See transactions encoding for more info

  • allow_unconfirmed_inputs (boolean): Set to true to allow this transaction to utilize unconfirmed UTXOs as inputs. Defaults to false.

  • fee (integer): If you’d like to specify a custom miners’ fee, specify it here (in satoshi). Leave as default for the server to automatically choose.

  • fee_per_kb (integer): The fee per kilobyte of transaction data constant that the server uses when deciding on the dynamic fee to use (in satoshi).

  • fee_provided (integer): If you would like to specify a maximum fee (up to and including which may be used as the transaction fee), specify it here (in satoshi). This differs from fee in that this is an upper bound value, which fee is an exact value.

  • custom_inputs (list): Use only these specific UTXOs as inputs for the transaction being created. If specified, this parameter is a list of (JSON-encoded) UTXO objects (token), whose properties match those as retrieved by listunspent function from bitcoind (e.g. see here). Note that the actual UTXOs used may be a subset of this list.

  • unspent_tx_hash (string): When compiling the UTXOs to use as inputs for the transaction being created, only consider unspent outputs from this specific transaction hash. Defaults to null to consider all UTXOs for the address. Do not use this parameter if you are specifying custom_inputs.

  • regular_dust_size (integer): Specify (in satoshi) to override the (dust) amount of BTC used for each non-(bare) multisig output. Defaults to 5430 satoshi.

  • multisig_dust_size (integer): Specify (in satoshi) to override the (dust) amount of BTC used for each (bare) multisig output. Defaults to 7800 satoshi.

  • dust_return_pubkey (string): The dust return pubkey is used in multi-sig data outputs (as the only real pubkey) to make those the outputs spendable. By default, this pubkey is taken from the pubkey used in the first transaction input. However, it can be overridden here (and is required to be specified if a P2SH input is used and multisig is used as the data output encoding.) If specified, specify the public key (in hex format) where dust will be returned to so that it can be reclaimed. Only valid/useful when used with transactions that utilize multisig data encoding. Note that if this valis is set to false, this instructs counterparty-server to use the default dust return pubkey configured at the node level. If this default is not set at the node level, the call will generate an exception.

  • disable_utxo_locks (boolean): By default, UTXO’s utilized when creating a transaction are “locked” for a few seconds, to prevent a case where rapidly generating create_ calls reuse UTXOs due to their spent status not being updated in bitcoind yet. Specify true for this parameter to disable this behavior, and not temporarily lock UTXOs.

  • op_return_value (integer): The value (in satoshis) to use with any OP_RETURN outputs in the generated transaction. Defaults to 0. Don’t use this, unless you like throwing your money away.

With the exception of pubkey and allow_unconfirmed_inputs, these values should be left at their defaults, unless you know what you are doing.

Example code for creating a contract

In much the same way, we can place image hashes and even functional code in the Fort/Serpent/РАЯ style on the blockchain

DSSP - interactive structured programming system

The basic language of DSSP is the Developing Adaptive Language (RAYA)

(ДССП — диалоговая система структурированного программирования

Базовый язык ДССП — Развиваемый Адаптивный Язык (РАЯ) )

Brusentsov, the creator of the “Setun”  ternary computer and language Developing Adaptive Language (RAYA), talked to me on the phone and talked about memristors in 2005.

      def create_contract(self, code, endowment=0, sender=''):

           if not sender:

               sender = '82a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1' # PyEthereum uses ECDSA to derive this string from `sender = 0`.

           util.credit(db, sender, config.XCP, max(endowment*2, 100000000), action='unit test', event='facefeed')

           success, data = tester.state.do_send(self, sender, '', endowment, data=code)

           contract_id = data

           return contract_id

# Test serpent compilation of variables using _with_, doing a simple

# arithmetic calculation 20 * 30 + 10 = 610

sixten_code =\


(with 'x 10

   (with 'y 20

       (with 'z 30


               (set 'a (add (mul (get 'y) (get 'z)) (get 'x)))

               (return (ref 'a) 32)






def test_sixten():

   s = tester.state()

   c = s.contract('')

   s.block.set_code(c, tester.serpent.compile_lll(sixten_code))

   o1 = s.send(tester.k0, c, 0, [])

   assert o1 == [610]

# Test Serpent's import mechanism

mul2_code = \




filename = "mul2_qwertyuioplkjhgfdsa.se"

returnten_code = \


x = create("%s")

return(call(x, 5))

''' % filename

def test_returnten():

   s = tester.state()

   open(filename, 'w').write(mul2_code)

   c = s.contract(returnten_code)

   o1 = s.send(tester.k0, c, 0, [])


   assert o1 == [10]

counterparty-lib provides a JSON RPC 2.0-based API based off of that of Bitcoin Core.

This type of memory is the most expensive - occupying a new cell in storage costs 20,000 gas- 26 cents. changing an occupied one costs 5,000, and reading costs 200. Why is it so expensive? The reason is simple - the data saved in the storage of the contract will be recorded in the blockchain and will remain there forever.

New bitcoin backend

Bitcore Node - https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore/tree/master/packages/bitcore-node

A standardized API to interact with multiple blockchain networks

Currently supporting: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Ethereum and Polygon


bitcore  v10.0.28 with packages/crypto-wallet-core/package.json

"ethers": "^5.7.0"  (Ethereum at list 5.7.0)

REST API Counterparty

Framework ethers instructions for use

const { ethers } = require('ethers')

const ContractArtifact = require('./SimpleMarketplace.json')

const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = ContractArtifact.networks['3'].address

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